What not to do while in Nepal? Do’s & Don’t

Nepal is a beautiful country with warm people all around. You can enjoy various adventure activities in here and there are various things that you can try while you are in Nepal. But with all these to do things , there are few things that we suggest you not to do. Though we live in the single planet called earth, we have some differences that differentiate us from one another. The differences can be cross border differences, cultural differences, climatic differences and many more. With these differences arise some restrictions. Those restrictions can be associated with cultural restrictions or your adaption capacity or ambiguous meanings of same things/ gestures around the world. Therefore, if you are planning to visit Nepal, there are few things we suggest you not to do while in Nepal. The things not to do while in Nepal are as follows: Do not trek alone – solo travelling might get risky You might love travelling alone but it might not be a good choice if you are t...